葡萄牙波登哥犬(Portuguese Podengo)FCI繁育标准(英文版)
2012-12-27 11:31:09 | 编辑:编辑部-1
FCI-Standard N° 94 / 03. 11. 1999 / GB
(Podengo Português)
TRANSLATION : R. Binder-Gresly and C. Seidler.
ORIGIN : Portugal.
UTILIZATION :This breed is mainly encountered in the north of the country. According to their natural disposition, these dogs are used for hunting rabbits, singly or in a pack. This is the reason why it goes too by the name of Warren Hound. They are also appreciated as good watchdogs.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :Group5Spitz and primitive type.Section7Primitive type - Hunting Dogs.
Without working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Of medium size and substance, well balanced in proportions, well muscled and with strong bone.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Very lively and clever, unassuming and robust.
HEAD : Lean, shaped like a four-sided pyramid with a large base, diminishing considerably towards its pointed end. Longitudinal axes of the skull and foreface divergent.
Skull : Flat, almost straight in profile. Superciliary ridges prominent. Frontal groove hardly perceptible; the region between the ears horizontal; occipital bone prominent.
Stop : Barely defined.
Nose : Tapering towards the slightly protruding tip; frontal plane of the nose slightly slanting; its colour always darker than that of the coat.
Muzzle : Nasal bridge rounded (in cross section); straight when seen in profile. Muzzle shorter than skull and broader at its base than at the front end.
Lips : Close fitting, thin, firm and horizontal.
Jaws/Teeth : Regular, with strong white teeth. Normal bite.
Eyes : Very lively expression; barely protruding from the eye-sockets; colour varies according to coat colour, from honey to chestnut brown; small and set obliquely; colour of eyelids darker than coat colour.
Ears : Set on medium high and oblique; carried erect, very mobile; vertical forward when the dog is attentive; triangular shape, broad at the base, tapering to a point; ear leather thin; length of ear remarkably greater than width at set-on.
NECK : Harmonious transition from head to body; straight, suitably long; strong and well muscled. No dewlap.
Topline : Straight or slightly arched.
Back : Long, straight or slightly sloping.
Loins : Straight or slightly arched; broad and muscular.
Croup : Of medium length, broad and well muscled; straight or slightly slanting.
Chest : Forechest slightly accentuated, muscular, not too wide; chest deep and long, of medium width; long sternum rising towards rear; ribs hardly rounded, oblique.
Belly/flanks :Lean, with a slight tuck-up.
Underline : Slightly rising.
TAIL : Set on high rather than low, strong, thick, of medium length, tapering towards a fine point; in repose hanging between hindlegs with the tip slightly curved upwards; in movement carried horizontally with a slight upward curve or carried upright in sickle shape; never curled up into ring shape.
General : Seen from the front and from the side, vertical and straight, well muscled and clean.
Shoulders and upper arm : Long and oblique; strong and well muscled; forming a blunt angle at shoulder joint.
Forearm : Vertical, long and muscular.
Pastern joint : Clean, not prominent.
Pastern : Strong, short, slightly slanting.
Front feet : Round; long, strong, tightly bunched and strongly arched toes; nails strong, short, preferably dark; pads hard and resistant.
General : Seen from behind and from the side, straight and parallel; well muscled, clean.
Upper thigh : Long, of medium width, muscular.
Second thigh : Long, slanting, strong, muscular, clean.
Hock joints : Set on medium high, clean and strong, forming a blunt angle.
Hocks : Well boned, short, slanting; without dewclaws.
Hind feet : Round; long, strong, tightly bunched and strongly arched toes; short, strong, preferably dark nails; hard and resistant pads.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Swift and light-footed.
SKIN : Mucous membranes preferably with black pigment or, in any case, darker than coat colour. Skin thin and close fitting.
HAIR : Short or long coat, of medium thickness; smooth in the short-haired variety; wiry (similar to the bristles of a wild boar) in the long-haired variety. The short coat is denser than the long coat. With the long coat there is a distinct « beard » underneath the lower jaw. No undercoat or fluff.
COLOUR : Predominant colours are yellow, fawn (in all shades from light to very dark) and black (diluted or faded); self-coloured with or without white markings; or white as basic colour with markings in the listed colours.
Height at withers : 40 - 55 cm.
Weight :16 - 20 kg.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
•Aggressive or overly shy.
•General appearance : Any sign of crossing with a Galgo (Spanish sighthound) or a Perdiguero (Portuguese Pointer).
•Jaws : Incorrect bite, badly placed teeth.
•Eyes : Of different colours.
•Ears : Tipped over or folded.
•Neck : Arched.
•Body : Topline distinctly arched.
•Croup : Exaggerated slope.
•Belly : Too much tucked up.
•Tail : Curled up.
•Dewclaws : Undesirable (affect the grading of the dog).
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
The breed characteristics of the Large Podengo, a nearly extinct variety in the country of origin, are almost identical with those of the medium size Podengo, with the following exceptions :
General appearance : Strong dog with plenty of substance, mainly used for hunting deer.
Height at withers : 55 - 70 cm.
The breed characteristics of the Small Podengo are also nearly identical to those of the medium size Podengo, with the following exceptions :
General appearance : A small dog somewhat elongated in proportions which is used for hunting rabbits as well as driving them from their burrows or rock clefts.
Skull : Flat or slightly arched.
Body : Length of body exceeds height at withers.
Limbs : Short. Forearm straight or slightly turned from outwards to inwards in its whole length.
Height at withers : 20 - 30 cm.
Weight : 4 - 5 kg.